Fun to the fore at business awards

The serious (and not so serious) feature at Phoenix Business Club presentations 

The Phoenix Business Club Awards were held at MacDonald Burlington Hotel. Categories included Host of the Year, Networking Venue of the Year, Networker of the Year, and the Lifetime Achievement Award, which was presented to compére Phil Oldershaw. A fun spin on the awards season saw a number of ‘Roasting Awards’ made. These included the Gram Award (I’m not vain, honest guv), the Scarlett Pimpernel (They may not even be here!), Sponsor a Spoon Award and the Opening of an Envelope Award (If it’s opening, I’m coming to it).


1 Julie Teague, Tim Andrews, Craig McEvoy, Mark O’Sullivan

2 Phil Oldershaw

3 Naomi Aly, Jason Jones, Harriet Giles

4 Dionne Buckingham Brown, Tom Mallens

5 Stu and Cendy Woods

6 Jags Guru, Jamil Shabir

7 Balin Sodh, Sophie Cassidy, Christina Kruzewskim, Lee Clarke

8 Dee Kundi, Rachel Akers