Ark launches new Chapter

Financial services firm reveals rebrand with networking event

Birmingham-based accountants and chartered tax advisers Ark & Co celebrated the launch of its new brand and the appointment of Mandeep Rajput as managing director with an exclusive event in the city centre. Clients, businesses and colleagues came together at Chapter restaurant in Edgbaston Village to mark the occasion with drinks, canapés and networking. Previously Ark Aurora, the financial services firm has rebranded as part of its ambitious growth strategy with Mandeep joining existing partners Bally Ark, Gurnek Ark and Suchy Lidhar.


1 Sharan Sohal, Monique Royle, Mandeep Rajput, Jaz Sohal
2 Gurnek Ark, Sukhi Saini
3 Robert Casey, Upinder Pokhriyal, Andy Jones
4 Paul McKeown, Suchy Lidhar, Satnam Parwana
5 Michael Kelly, Jag Uppal, Rav Bagri, Mandeep Rajput
6 Omar Rashid, Jamil Shabir, Anjum Khan, Sapreena Kumari
7 Bally Ark and Tanya Chana with prize winner
8 Dr Sarj Bhaia, Ranjit Bhaia, Jodi Flint