Press Club honours veteran newsman

Reporter is made honorary life member after 35-year TV career 

Veteran TV reporter Keith Wilkinson was installed as an honorary life member of Birmingham Press Club following his retirement after 35 years with ITV News Central. He received the traditional Press Club bugle, created by craftsmen at Acme Whistles, from Press Club chairman and ITV colleague Bob Warman at a lunch held at the Circle Restaurant, Birmingham Hippodrome. The occasion turned out to be a ‘nice’ lunch – as stand-up comedian Janice Connolly introduced her alter ego, Mrs Barbra Nice, a caricature of a middle-aged housewife from Kings Heath. Janice is also artistic director of Birmingham-based theatre company, Women and Theatre.


1 Bob Warman and Keith Wilkinson

2 Janice Connolly as Mrs Barbara Nice

3 Derek Inman, Dorian Chan, Alan Birks

4 Fred Bromwich, Jayne Grimes, Richard Grimes, Beryl Williams

5 Sandra Rhodes, Joyce Coakley, Radcliffe Shields

6 Steve Hall, Dianne Hall, John Lamb

7 Hazel Horton-Peppercorn, Tony Adams

8 Laurie Upshon, Val Deeley

9 Peter Harkness, David Dunckley, Chris Mowbray, Adrian Kibbler

Pictures: Ian Tennant