Business professionals given update on future plans at breakfast meet
More than 40 business professionals attended a breakfast networking event hosted by mfg Solicitors at St Pauls House Hotel. It was the first breakfast event held by the firm since merging with Pearson Rowe last summer. Partner and commercial property specialist Brian Flint gave an introduction to the firm, its services and plans mfg has to build on the good business rapport in the city.
1 Charles Dauncey, Pat Dales, Jack Morley
2 Clare Lang, Adrian Wood, Nichola Davies
3 Fiona Mellow, Andrew Smith, Edward Siddall-Jones, Luke Crane, Steve Lovell
4 Paul King, Jilly Cosgrove
5 Paul Wright, Chris Piggott, Brian Flint
6 Sarah Cooper-Jones, Paul Breslin, Tom Esler
7 Stuart Walton, Rachael Cornwell
8 Tina Canon, Tom Morley, Dawn Cox
9 Lee Gallagher, Ben Rothery