Mango Surprise

The surprise is… there’s no alcohol, just an explosion of summer zingy-ness!

Not all great cocktails have to be packed with exotic spirits. It’s nice sometimes to relax with a really refreshing non-alcoholic mix of summer freshness that keeps your head clear to enjoy the sun. This recipe is a perfect and simple cocktail from the mixologists at East Z East on Broad Street. Amend volumes according to your personal taste.


  • Fresh mango
  • Mango juice
  • Lime juice
  • Orange juice
  • Cranberry juice

To make:

Puree the mango by skinning and de-stoning and add the remaining mango flesh to a blender. Blend to a puree. Add to a shaker with some mango juice, a small squirt of lime juice and orange juice. Shake and pour over ice in a tall glass. Top with cranberry juice, garnish with an orange slice.

East Z East, 197 Broad Street Birmingham B15 1AY, tel 0121 643 4808