Top percussionist performs for young professionals at Town Hall
Leading percussionist Christoph Sietzen and his WAVE Quartet performed a colourful evening of music at Town Hall and met young professionals from Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce’s Future Faces. Christoph, 25, is acclaimed as one of the outstanding percussionists of his generation. Later this year, Town Hall will welcome more ‘rising stars’ to perform, including Swedish viola player Ellen Nisbeth and Hungarian trumpeter Tamás Pálfalvi.
1 Sally Pennington, Richard Loftus, Laura Tellwright
2 Anna Tabor, Nicole Evans
3 Martina Farska, Charlotte Mashhoudy
4 James Guest, Tom Dockerill, Hayyin Fan, Michelle Chapman
5 Tom Matthewman, James Hickman
6 Charlotte Davies, Mark Hipwell, Rohit Jepegnanam
7 Amrit Singh, Michelle Chapman, Hayyin Fan
8 Richard Loftus, Emre Suner, Anna Assinder, Alsmith Puli
9 Christoph Sietzen, Anna Assinder