Edwards Trust anniversary launch

Edward’s Trust notches up three decades of helping the bereaved

Bereavement charity Edward’s Trust launched a year of celebrations to mark its 30th anniversary with a special event at the Binding Site group, Edgbaston. Guests were welcomed by patron and Binding Site CEO, Charles de Rohan, before hearing about the Trust’s three decades of work from founder Peter Dent. CEO Yvonne Gilligan talked through plans for the future and introduced the event programme for 2019. An exciting year began with patron Judy Dyke receiving an MBE from the Queen for her amazing support for the Trust.


1 Cynthia Lawson, Aine Gallagher

2 The Binding Site staff

3 Deak Lake, Lucy Goodway

4 Lava Yassen, Mariam Al-ani

5 Judy Dyke, David Christie

6 Judy Dyke, Peter Dent

7 Peter Barrett, Peter Dent

8 Lucy Goodway, Richard Page