Big Art supporters party

Fund-raising event brings in the cash as £2m project’s final five go on show

A masquerade ball was held at the Hyatt Regency Hotel to raise funds for Birmingham Big Art Project. The ball coincided with the unveiling of five concepts for the £2million public artwork, one of which will be chosen and commissioned in the New Year. The ball brought together the project’s steering group, trustees and supporters for a night of carnival fun and raised more than £3,000.

Photography by Jas Sansi


  1. Glyn and Maggie Pitchford, Mayor and Mayoress of Birmingham
  2. James Rose, Jo Brain, Mario Flanagan
  3. Maila Tablizio, Elizabeth Martin, Anita Champaneri
  4. Robin and Suzanne Barnes
  5. Ellie and Will Wong, Shelley Carter
  6. David Jupp, Lee Benson
  7. Gerry Loughrey
  8. Pet, Clare and Marc Reeves, Clive Reeves