Players & fans relive cup dream

Anniversary dinner marks Aston Villa’s famous European Cup victory

A special dinner was held at Chung Ying Central to celebrate the 35th anniversary of Aston Villa winning the European Cup. Members of the famous team from 1982, including Tony Morley, talked to 100 Villa fans about winning the trophy and their experiences in the 80’s. A raffle with the prize of a replica cup raised £3,000 for free@last, a charity to improve the lives of young people in Nechells by providing opportunities, activities, mentoring and support.


1 Mr & Mrs Andy Blair, Jack Woodward

2 Tom Griffiths, Peter Mullins, Steve and Paul Ashford

3 Chris Connolly, Ken McNaught, Henrik Court

4 Greg Ford, Sam Gale, Paul Mabbett, Ian Glass

5 Jonathan Oldfield, John Street

6 Paul Ashford, Sam Murray, William Wong

7 Sarah Birch, Tara Tomes, William Wong

8 Sunny Gill, Sahib Chote