From the Christmas Potting Bench

What do you buy the gardener who has everything this Christmas? Adam Kirtland presents his gift ideas… 

We all know people who absolutely love certain things…. dogs, reading, music – you name it! But what about gardening? Do you have a garden-obsessed partner or friend and you’ve got no clue what to get them for Christmas? Here’s my gift ideas from three of my favourite garden/plant companies – including one of Birmingham’s own!

You’ll need to start with some seeds or bulbs…

For years, the only place to buy seeds and bulbs to start your own garden was either in garden centres or through out-dated mail order catalogues. The internet thankfully has seen a rise in new and exciting companies that aim to make gardening appealing to all ages and types of gardeners.

One of these is The Rose Press Garden. If you’re on Instagram (you can find them @therosepressgarden) then you may well have heard of this small business run by Lizzie Fox, but if not then you’re really missing out.

The Rose Press Garden aims to make  gardening modern, simple and fun and shows new, beginner gardeners how to create a beautiful garden easily. The monthly subscriptions are a brilliant way to learn new varieties and types of flower seeds, bulbs and plants and make a lovely gift. Available ongoing and as gift subscriptions for three, six and 12 months, this is a fantastic gift for Christmas for a new gardener or even someone with a bit of experience.

Each subscription box comes with handy instructions for each seed, bulb or plant. I’ve bought many times from Lizzie with complete satisfaction and confidence. You can find out more by visiting

Or, if that’s not your thing…. a plant?

If you’re not into growing from scratch or if houseplants are more your thing (every house should have one, or 10!) look no further than the gents over at Jungle Club in Moseley, which opened earlier this year.

Now, I get it, houseplants can be tough to look after, but these guys have got you covered no matter what your living situation. Whether you’ve got tons of space or just a tiny spot on a windowsill or work desk, they’ll find something that’s perfect for you.

There’s a wide range of plants on offer in their relatively small shop in Alcester Road, plus they’re there to provide you with sound advice backed up by years of growing experience. You can find out more at and on Instagram at @thejungleclubbirmingham

And not forgetting something for them to go in!

Anyone can pop into a DIY shop, or even a supermarket, and grab a pot, but how about something a little different? If you’re looking for plant pots with real appeal check out the colourful range from Green Tones. All of Green Tones products are predominantly moulded in recycled bamboo fibres, which is an innovative composite mostly comprising of powder ground out from end of life bamboo products – such as chopsticks, placemats, decking and scaffolding – or the offcuts from their production. No plastic, no harming the environment, what could be better?

Among the most popular is their Rainbow set of small classic eco pots – perfect for seed starting and growing a wide range of plants, indoors and out. The most eco-conscious of us will want to do our bit for the planet and there is no better way than with these bamboo pots. Visit and use the special discount code VIEW10 for 10 per cent off your order.

What will you be buying this year?

The businesses I’ve featured here are small, independents that are doing something truly fantastic in their own fields within gardening and horticulture. Their prices are very reasonable, too.

I’d love to know of your own recommendations for Christmas gifts for gardeners so head over to my Instagram (@viewfromthepottingbench) to share your suggestions.


From me and my family, to you and yours – I hope this festive season brings you peace and all the fun this time of year can provide.

You can follow Adam on Instagram @viewfromthepottingbench or listen to Adam’s podcast Tales From The Potting Bench for more gardening inspiration. You can also read Adam’s blog at